Apply as a volunteer

Why volunteer?

Volunteering is a form of participation for those who wish to contribute their knowledge, gifts, and talents to the community. In the Local Organizing Committee of the South American Bird Fair, we promote volunteering from a collaborative perspective. We are convinced that it is a fundamental pillar for carrying out the most important bird fair on the continent, ensuring that attendees have the best experience during their participation and stay in our country. Our Volunteer Program invites young people, professionals, educational institutions, organizations, and companies to contribute their time and skills to support all activities during the fair.

Requirements for volunteering

We are looking for volunteers with:

  • Commitment
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Personal skills
  • Minimum age of 18
  • Interest in bird-related topics, conservation, sustainable tourism
  • Seriousness in meeting schedules and assigned tasks

How to be part of the fair’s volunteer team

  • Check that the volunteer call is active on our website and on our social media.
  • Review the terms carefully.
  • Send an email answering this question: Why do I want to volunteer for the upcoming South American Bird Fair? Upon your response, we will send the registration form.